








现在大胖长大了,所以胖爸是不会强迫大胖拿卷子来看的,更加不会偷偷去看。因此胖爸不由得心里一怔:“这下不好!虽然分数并不是最重要的,但是偏离太多,还是需要适当纠正一下。”于是就用“卡拉英语”中读过的“Asking for help isn’t giving up! It’s refusing to give up.”以及《扁鹊见蔡桓公》“讳疾忌医”的故事劝诫大胖。










I’m from Espoo, Finland.













How Things Move

We can watch things around us move. When something is in motion, it changes its position. Objects can move from one place to another. They can move in many directions. If you roll a ball, it might move in a straight line. It might also move in a curve. A swing can move back and forth. A light switch can move up and down. Fans have blades that move in a circle.

If you want to know if something is moving, you can compare it to other things around it that are not moving. If the things behind the object are changing, the object is probably moving. If they are not changing, the object is probably not moving.

You can measure the distance an object moves. Just measure the distance between where it was when it started to move and where it was when it stopped. Distance can be measured in inches, feet, yards or miles. Those measurements are in the customary system. It can also be measured in millimeters, centimeters, meters and kilometers. Those measurements are in the metric system.

1. What happens when a ball is rolled?
A. It can move in a straight line or a curve. B. It can move up and down.
C. It can move in a circle. D. It can move back and forth.

2. You are around 145 _________ tall.
A. millimeters B. centimeters C. meters D. kilometers

3. What’s the Chinese for “probably”?
A. 很可能 B. 不可能 C. 慢慢地 D. 快速地.

4. When something is in motion, what does it change?

5. How does a light switch move?

6. How can you test if something is moving or not?


Color Shows Mood

Artists use color to create patterns. Color can also show different moods. Bright colors make us feel happy and energetic. Dark colors make us feel calm or sad.

The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. They are the colors that can be mixed together to make different colors. Mixing two primary colors makes a secondary color. The secondary colors are orange, green, and violet (purple). Orange is made by mixing yellow and red. Green is made by mixing yellow and blue. Violet is made by mixing red and blue. Intermediate colors can be made by mixing a primary and a secondary color together. Some intermediate colors are blue violet and red orange. Black, white, and gray are special colors. They are called neutral colors.

Colors have been organized into a color wheel. It shows the three primary colors, the three secondary colors, and the six intermediate colors. Artists use the color wheel. It helps them know which colors they want to use together.

1. How may an artist use colors to influence(影响) the viewer’s mood?
A. By using only primary colors.
B. By using bright colors to evoke feelings of sadness.
C. By using dark colors to make the viewer feel energetic.
D. By using bright colors to make the viewer feel happy and energetic.

2. What can be created by mixing a primary color and a secondary color together?
A. A neutral color. B. A primary color. C. An intermediate color. D. A secondary color.

3. What is the purpose of the color wheel for artists?
A. It helps them mix primary colors to create secondary colors.
B. It helps them decide which colors to use together.
C. It helps them create neutral colors like black, white, and gray.
D. It helps them create patterns with colors.

4. What are the primary and secondary colors?

5. Tell four neutral colors according to(根据) the text:

6. What’s the Chinese for “intermediate colors”?
A. 过渡色 B. 中间色 C. 三原色 D. 混合色


The New Girl

There was a new family in the neighborhood. They had a little girl about Fiona’s age, and Fiona really wanted to meet her. The first time Fiona saw the new girl in school, she smiled and said hello. When she saw her on the bus home from school, Fiona asked if they could sit together, and she told the new girl all about their neighborhood. One afternoon a few days later, when Fiona was outside playing with some of her friends, the new girl came outside. She stood in her front yard, looking uncomfortable. Fiona smiled, and waved, and called to her, and invited her to come and play, which her new friend was happy to do!

What’s the new girl’s name?
A. Fiona B. Neighborhood C. Not sure.

She stood in her front yard. Who is she?
A. Finoa B. The new girl C. Not sure.

She stood in her front yard, looking uncomfortable. “looking uncomfortable” means ________________________.
B. looking for something B. not feeling good C. thinking about something. D. Interesting in something.

What is the main idea?
A. Fiona takes the bus to school.
B. There is a new family in the neighborhood.
C. Fiona is a very friendly girl.

Which of the following is a supporting idea?
A. Fiona smiles and says hello.
B. The family has a girl about Fiona’s age.
C. There is a new family in the neighborhood.


Our elementary school chorus had the largest participation in its history this year. They did eight performances – three in school, and five around town – and received an award for Most Improved School Vocal Group from the state. There was a lot of great talent, and ten students make All County Chorus.

1. What’s the Chinese for “chorus”?
A. 合唱团 B. 诗社 C. 跳踢队 D. 球队

2. What does the text tell?
A. Our elementary school chorus is very popular.
B. Our elementary school chorus had a very successful year.
C. There are a lot of students in our elementary school chorus.

Helen held the new baby carefully in her lap, while her anxious parents hovered nearby. Helen could hardly believe how tiny she was. Helen’s heart swelled with pride, and a new sense of responsibility.

1. Helen’s heart swelled with pride means ______________.
A. Her heart is beating with pride.
B. Her heart is full of pride.
C. Her heart stops with pride.
D. Her heart has nothing to do with pride.

2. What does the text tell?
A. Helen is going to take care of the baby.
B. Helen is a nurse.
C. Helen has a new baby sister.


Food is our fuel

Everything that is alive needs energy. All animals get the energy they need from food. People are animals. Think about the human body as an amazing machine. It can do all kinds of things for us. Food is the fuel that helps keep the amazing machine running.

Plants use sunlight to make their own food. Animals are not able to do that. Some animals eat plants. Some animals eat other animals as meat. Some animals, like people, eat both plants and animals.

Since plants make their own food using sunlight, the Sun’s energy is found in plants. The Sun’s energy is very strong. It loses a lot of its strength by the time it goes into a plant.

When we eat plants, we get more of the sun’s energy than when we eat animals. That’s why it is good to eat fruits and vegetables. When an animal eats a plant, the energy is less strong. The animal also used its energy to find the plant to eat. When a second animal eats the first animal, it gets even less energy than the first animal got. The second animal used a lot of energy to chase its prey.

Like a car that has to be filled with gasoline, living things have to eat again and again. Instead of gasoline, living things use food as fuel.

1. What’s the Chinese for energy?
A. 精神 B. 食物 C. 能量 D. 动物

2. Where do all animals get their energy?

3. Where do plants get their energy?

4. If our bodies are amazing machines, then food is our _____________________.

5. Why do we get more energy from eating vegetables than we get from eating meat?

6. If a third animal eats the second animal, will it get more or less energy?











二年级英语阅读材料《The New Bike》

Mike got a new bike for his birthday. It is red and black and very fast. When Mike rides down the street, he rings the bell on his bike so everyone will know he is coming. He loves his bike.









____________ 植物能吃虫。

夏天,沼泽地带常常可以看到一种淡红色的小草,这就是会捕捉飞虫的毛毡草。毛毡草的叶子上有200多根小绒毛,这些小绒毛能分泌出一种黏性很强的液体,这种黏液还含有一种很甜的味道和香气,小虫子一闻到这种气味,就急急忙忙地飞来,一旦落到它的叶子上,就会被牢牢地粘住。经过1~2小时,小虫子就被叶子消化吸收掉了。 植物还会听音乐呢。一位印度的科学家常喜欢在花园里拉拉小提琴,放放交响乐。日子久了,竟然发现他那园中的花木,长得格外旺盛。于是,他开始正式对水稻进行试验。他每天在一块稻田里播放25分钟交响乐。一个月后,发现这块田里的水稻比同样一块没有听过音乐的水稻要长得更加茂盛,平均株高超过了30厘米。 此外,还有预报地震的山芋藤,能净化水的水葫芦,会“咬人”的漆树……

